Welcome to EquinePhysioNZ
Rider Rehabilitation
RiderRehab© has been developed exclusively for the equestrian rider and their horse.
How many riders consider the impact their own bodies (including the injuries sustained
from years of riding and life) may have on their horse? Do you continue having lessons
but just don’t seem to improve? Or continually find yourself falling into old postural patterns?
Recent research is beginning to identify the influence of the rider on the horse. It is feasible to conclude that those of us who carry ‘niggles’, lost flexibility, weaknesses or areas of stiffness may influence the horse even more.
RiderRehab© is about helping the rider be the best they can be to maximise the performance of your horse whether you are a pleasure rider or a competitive rider where every point counts.
Although the horse and rider can be treated separately, RiderRehab© assesses the rider on the horse, as when together you are ‘one’.
A RiderRehab© session includes:
· Video footage can be taken of you riding your horse pre-treatment to provide
visual feedback
· Full detailed physiotherapy assessment of the rider on the ground
· Problematic areas are identified, and an individual treatment plan is formed.
· Physiotherapy treatments may include trigger point release, stretches, joint
mobilisations, laser, acupuncture, massage and exercise prescription.
· Re-video you riding your horse post-treatment
· Personalised exercise prescription written for the rider to continue with
Each session takes 1½ - 2 hours.
Kath Long is a registered physiotherapist with 30+ years’ experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
Research has shown
· Rider asymmetry affects range of motion of the thoracolumbar spine
· Rider asymmetry affects front and hind limb loading
· Riders need to be aware of the effect that their position has on equine locomotion
MacKechnie-Guire, R., MacKechnie-Guire, E., Fairfax, V., Fisher, M., Hargreaves, S. and Pfau,T. (2020) ‘The effect that induced rider asymmetry has on equine locomotion and the range of motion of the thoracolumbar spine when ridden in rising trot.’ Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 88. CLICK HERE